In many cases, implementing typical app features from scratch can be challenging, costly, and time-consuming. However, there are
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions available that provide ready-made features and services, which can significantly reduce development efforts and costs.
For instance, integrating a payment feature into your app is easier and more cost-effective by utilizing a bank's payment gateway. Additionally, various SaaS providers offer features like chat functionality and push notifications, which can be seamlessly integrated into your app. These SaaS solutions often provide robust APIs, ready-to-use libraries for different platforms, and regular updates, ensuring reliable and well-tested functionality.
Examples of popular SaaS services include:
- Helpdesk chats: Chatra, Zendesk, and Intercom
- User chats: Layer, Applozic, Sendbird, Quickblox, and Pusher
- Payment engines: Stripe and CloudPayments
By leveraging these SaaS services, you can avoid the complexities and pitfalls associated with developing these features from scratch, ultimately saving time and resources.