MYFLYRIGHT - Law firm. How to become №1.
A legal company in Germany, which specializes in protecting the rights of passengers in the EU and the UK. The goal is to increase the number of conversions at a cost of no more than $40 per lead.
What was done:
Created separate landing pages for each service.
Basic setup of contextual advertising in Google search. Launched search advertising campaigns in exact and broad match with different CPAs.
Launched remarketing campaigns in the Display Network with different banners for different stages of the sales funnel.
Regular analysis of search queries and adding negative keywords.
Conducting experiments (A/B testing) и choosing the most effective strategy.
Implementation of all new features in Google Ads.
Launched a smart advertising campaign in the Display Network with pay-per-conversions.
The result:
We worked with this client for more than 3 years, and as a result, we grew from a budget of 3-4 thousand euros to 180 thousand euros per month. In the screenshot, you can see a comparison of the results when we just started working and now. The number of conversions increased by 536%, while the cost per conversion decreased by 5.77%. The total number of conversions per month is up to 6 thousand per month.
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